Twisted insane beneath the stars lyrics
Twisted insane beneath the stars lyrics

twisted insane beneath the stars lyrics

Even that won't happen.\\ \\ You are one of the most pathetic criminals I've seen! The only reason you got caught was your own fault. You think you'll live on in history as an exceptionally feared criminal? Heh. I mean they'll care so little, they won't even celebrate your death. And I don't mean they won't mourn your death. You think you've lived life to the fullest? You think you are the greatest human being, with the most meaningful life out of all of us? You're not. not even yourself.\\ \\ This is what your life is truly like! ''*Rips photograph to shreds*'' Face it: you're shallow, empty. At first glance, it seems fine and normal. I can't think of a better metaphor than this photograph]]]. ''*Shows them his mobile phone, as a symbol of his connection between his overseas companions*'' But you, ]. And my reason for staying in this world is right here. Strings is a judge only because of his father. The only person in this room whose life doesn't have meaning. \\ '''Apollo Justice''': Everything you said has been completely wrong. Friends and family that he does not want to suffer grief and hardship.\\ ]. Do you know why a regular "]", as you put it, will beg for his life when threatened? Because he has friends and family he doesn't want to leave. They concern themselves with their own lives, and try to find meaning in cheap, short-lived thrills. Those people you talked about, who were truly living, who weren't afraid of death. And I finally have an answer for you.\\ ]: Oh, really? I'd love to hear what sort of inane response you've devised.\\ '''Apollo Justice''': You are '''completely wrong'''. I've been thinking about what you told me in the defence lobby. So, how does it feel to know the truth?\\ '''Apollo Justice'''.

twisted insane beneath the stars lyrics

it was all meaningless! I picked out some random words in the dictionary, and voila! My crime scenes. \\ ]: When everyone kept trying to make sense of the crime! The photographs, the music sheet, the bust. You spent so much time on these questions, you were so concerned with them, you stopped thinking about yourselves! Wanna know what was the most amusing part to me?\\ '''Apollo Justice'''. At least I'll die knowing I did something with my life! I'll die knowing my life had meaning, unlike everyone else in this courtroom! You were all so concerned with what I did, with the past. Or perhaps figments of my imagination, telling me my life is over. They considered the only people who really "lived" were thrill-seekers, terrorists, etc., as they lived without fear of dying: ->]: Not bad, for a lower life form. ] had just previously taunted him before they were due to reconvene in court, admiting that they killed "dozens" of people because their victims simply did not "live life to its fullest" (according to their warped view on life and death), as well as going on about the ecstasy that killing and evading justice provided them with. * In ''TurnaboutSubstitution'', Apollo delivers one to ], the real Mysterious Bust Killer]], after besting ] in their final confrontation.

twisted insane beneath the stars lyrics

He stomps in your face for thinking that he'd ever have so many useless pieces of evidence and unexplained plot threads. The speech there is almost like a ], really. ] * ''VideoGame/TurnaboutOfCourage'': Hazama loves to give these (even almost saying these exact words at one point), but the biggest one comes if you go down the path of the Bad Ending.

Twisted insane beneath the stars lyrics